Anne-Sophie received some new dresses from Alana, the Neighbour, as they are moving back to the UK. Anne-Sophie really loves the dresses and now calls herself a princess, Lukas becomes the king. And luckily, one can still play soccer in a dress - giving the sport a whole new fashionable dimension.
Amber's celebrated her birthday while we were in Washington so we needed to re-celebrate this event. Mama Judith made a real Dutch apple cake with some mystery ingredients and it tasted soooooo yummy, everyone wanted more. Lukas & Anne-Sophie blew the candles for Amber.
With an impeding move, our neighbours planned a yard sale and they invited us to join. Mama Judith took a bunch of baby clothes off the attick and sold $50 worth of clothes. Lukas & Anne-Sophie sold some of the teddybears and earned $20. What fun we had...