zaterdag 24 juli 2010

Suprise of the weekend: Alexander Bryan Unseld

Here I am: 43cm - 1708 gram - 30 weeks and 3 days old!
Pancakes from Opa make everyone show up for dinner ;-)

Dear All,

Whose eyes sparkle like the stars?

Whose smile outshines the sun?

Whose skin is soft as moon-glow?

Our families rejoice - a new life's begun

Our circle is richer with the birth of this one!

It is now official - we are incapable of bringing a pregnancy to term! Today, at 6:53am EST Alexander B. Unseld saw the light of day at 30 weeks, with a staggering weight of 1700gr and 43cm.

The mother is doing fine and is recovering at Newton-Wellesley. Alexander did breathe on his own and has been transferred to Boston Children's Hospital in the neo-natal division, where he will most probably stay until he celebrates his 40th week.

Some facts:

Sign = Leo: Love triumphs over all for this sign, which is ruled by the heart and operates from this dimension too. Leo's are born fortunate. Charismatic and positive-thinking they attract not only an abundance of friends and opportunities, but manage to survive life's stormy times with style and good humour.

Chinese Horoscope = Tiger: Tigers may not be the king of the jungle, but these striped cats are no softies! Magnetic and self-possessed, Tigers are born leaders. They have an air of authority that prompts others to fall in line, which is exactly how they like it. Deliberately kept the “not so positive traits” out!!!

Best regards,

Georg, Judith, Lukas, Anne-Sophie and Karl

donderdag 1 juli 2010

Mama Bird

Anne-Sophie opened her curtain this morning: Mama, look this bird is making babies just like you!